Thank you to everyone who has made our organization’s work possible.
NSAR cannot operate without the generous support of our sponsors! Our organization heavily rely on financial contributions to fund for rescue equipment (radios, spine boards, first aid supplies, ropes, etc), training expenses and operating expenses. NSAR also manages AreYouBeeping avalanche safety information signs at various backcountry trail access points into avalanche terrain. We may utilize trail counters at these locations to better understand trail usage and volume.
NSAR is a non-profit, charitable, volunteer organization registered with the British Columbia Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations, and Revenue Canada.
Thank you to every individual, business and organization that has provided a donation, your support is most appreciated.
In the past, NSAR have received donations from the businesses and organizations listed below.
Every year, NSAR receives donations from private individuals. In the interest of protecting privacy, individuals are not listed on the website.
A tax-deductible donation to the Nelson Search and Rescue Society can be made by contacting the NSAR Treasurer at:
Mailing Address
Nelson Search and Rescue Society
PO Box 254
Nelson, BCV1L 5P9
Donate today through