Get prepared! Looking for information on how to plan for your next adventure? AdventureSmart can help.
AdventureSmart is a national program that encourages adventurers to ”get informed and go outdoors”. Visit their website to learn about the knowledge, skills and equipment necessary to enjoy outdoor pursuits. By being AdventureSmart, as an outdoor recreationalist you are empowered to make informed decisions and help reduce the frequency, severity and duration of search and rescue (SAR) incidents.
Click the link to head over to:
Get to know the AdventureSmart resources
Download the trip planning app.
Does anyone know where you have gone and when you expect to return? No one ever expects to get into trouble outdoors. But, a turn in the weather, mistake in judgment, unexpected injury, equipment failure, or sudden nightfall can quickly change any recreational outing into a crisis.
Brush up your knowledge and skills
Click the link to take the five free e-learning courses available through AdventureSmart.
-> Hug a Tree – just for kids!
-> Survive Outside
-> Snow Safety
-> PaddleSmart
-> SurviveOutside – Snowmobiling
Learn about the three Ts!
Whether your activity is during the summer or winter, on land on water, anywhere in Canada, remember the…..
Three T’s and follow the steps.
-> Trip Planning
-> Training
-> Taking the essentials